Skateboards That Rock: Graphic Design of a Counterculture
192 pages
Text(s) by Rhyn Noll
21.5 x 27.3 cm
Language: English
Publisher: Schiffer Books
An amazing display of graphic design and artistic imagery appears on skateboards made over the last forty years. Early "Plain Janes" gave way to many diverse colorful designs, some closely in step with developing rock music. Boards that rock include images of favorite musicians and bands, like Black Flag, Agent Orange, Sublime, and Red Hot Chili Peppers, as well as memorabilia from the Dog Town movie...revealing a major subculture. Over 500 dazzling color photographs show hundreds of distinguished skateboards chronologically arranged, including construction details that make some collectors' items, and related stickers, memorabilia, and racing team clothing. Today's collector market is reflected in the values with the captions. Nostalgic riders and hot new blood alike will race through this book.