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Dondi White: Style Master General

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208 pages
Edited by Andrew Zephyr Witten and Michael White
Introduction by Carlo McCormick
26 x 21 cm
Language: English
Publisher: ReganBooks

Nearly 20 years after the art world began to consider graffiti a contender, one of its most acclaimed progenitors from the '70s and '80s is honored in a retrospective called Dondi White: Style Master General: The Life and Art of Dondi White by Andrew Witten and Michael White.

Raised in Brooklyn's East New York neighborhood, White was part of an active culture of graffiti "writers". "Dondi and his generation perfected the energetic, edgy, probing styles of their predecessors, learning control, fitting the painting to the car/canvas."

Gifted with vision, purpose and talent, White also stood out for crossing boundaries within graffiti-artist and gang culture. Photographers Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant made his work visible to the art world and had a hand in transforming subway-art culture in the process