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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

1Tox #2

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16 pages
30 x 23.2 cm
Language: French
February/March 1992

A copy of issue 2 of 1Tox, with an interview by Epson to Futura, another one to Costa Gavras and an article about the graffiti attack to the Louvre subway station in 1991.

First French magazine dedicated to graffiti and rap (American and French). Founded in 1991, 1Tox left a deep mark on a whole generation that fell in love with the hip-hop movement. The magazine is a continuation of a book published at the same time: Paris Tonkar. A large part is left to Parisian graffiti with photographs of many frescoes (Nasty, Psy, Mode 2, Bando, Slice, Deuce, Chase…) but also news on rap (NTM, IAM, Assassin, Saï-Saï , Les Little, Mc Solaar, Ministère AMER, Les Sages Poètes de la rue, House of Pain, Gangstarr, Public Enemy…), record reviews, interviews, files (the Pit-Bulls, the skateboard , the survival of Vinyl, rap in London…), all edited with a model very close to the fanzine spirit.