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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

Harald Naegeli in Köln. Sprayer und Zeichner


180 pages
Edited by Moritz Woelk
Text(s) by Ingrid Bachér, Kim Mildebrath, Anna-Barbara Neumann, Martin Papenbrock, Erchen Wang and Moritz Woelk
22.3 x 16.3 cm
Language: German
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig

Harald Naegeli (born 1939), the "Sprayer von Zürich", came to Cologne in the early 1980s and sprayed over a hundred graffiti on the concrete facades in Cologne. Less well known are his paintings on paper. Besides the small drawings with Motive such like dance of death, dance and women, there are the large-format paintings "Teile der Urwolke", which created from artist over a period of years. This book focuses on the political and poetic aspects of Harald Naegeli's art in the context of its time and make a dialogue with the art of the Middle Ages.