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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

Logo Rhythm: Band Logos that Rocked the World


452 pages
Edited by Jim K. Davies
Designed by Jamie Ellul, Supple Studio Ltd
25 x 21 cm 
Language: English
Publisher: Circa Press

Here are the intrigu­ing and hith­er­to untold sto­ries behind more than 100icon­ic band logos – each one a supreme exer­cise in graph­ic dis­til­la­tion, able to con­vey a band’s atti­tude, image, and style of music. A visu­al cel­e­bra­tion of a neglect­ed graph­ic art, Logo Rhythm cov­ers pow­er­ful marks from more obscure cor­ners of the music indus­try, togeth­er with more famil­iar clas­sics. Span­ning from the 1960s to the 2020s, it includes con­tri­bu­tions from lumi­nar­ies of the graph­ic design and music indus­tries, includ­ing Bea­t­les art direc­tor Kosh, Bowie design­er Jonathan Barn­book, Allan Gor­rie of Aver­age White Band, Jim McCar­ty of The Yard­birds and Alex Kapra­nos of Franz Ferdinand.