Native & ZenTwo - The Sessions
96 pages
24 x 17 cm
Language: English
Publisher: Drago
Tossed into a melting pot of calligraphy and graffiti writing from around the world, ZenTwO and Native’s work leans towards the raw and finds expression in the uneven in an attempt to access, engage, and integrate vivid emotions in a destabilizing aesthetic. Drago’s 36 Chambers joins an international and multi-cultural tour of street art with this fresh addition to the series.
Born in Munich in 1981, half Austrian and half French, ZenTwO was raised between the Middle East and Europe. His partner in crime, Native, was born in Nigeria, studied Arabic graffiti in Egypt and has been based in both Paris and New York. This unlikely and exotic mixture led to the development of their unique iconography that combines calligraphy, illustration, and dynamic paint drips.