Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal #2 : Center, Periphery: Practice
78 pages
Edited by Pedro Soares Neves
25.2 x 20.5 cm
Language: English
Publisher: Urban Creativity
After the Lisbon Street Art & Urban Creativity International Conference and book publishing in 2014, Seminar and Volume 1 (numbers 1 and 2) of the Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal (in 2015), the quality, quantity and originality of contributions from distinctive disciplinary fields, confirm the pertinence and relevance of our collective ongoing work. For the 2016 open call we invited contributions from all disciplines to discuss the tensions and complementarities of Center, Periphery, Theory and Practice, as concepts and as concrete characteristics of the Street Art & Urban Creativity research topic. What makes it distinct to be in the center or in the periphery of the urban context, of the practice or theory? How the approach from the practitioners, the art critics, the bloggers, the followers, contact the academic research and scientific approach? This are examples of the kind of issues that we were looking for to be addressed. The 2016 edition, volume 2, is composed by 2 numbers, number 1 “Center, Periphery: Practice” and number 2 “Center, Periphery: Theory”. The number 1, addresses Center and Periphery issues of practical nature, texts directly related with authors and pieces, including distinct cities, and supports of creation such as photo and video, here's also included a very useful and of practice nature article about research ethics.