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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

Fuzine #4 - Stesi 156


40 pages
Edited by Stesi 156
Designed by Lucas Lesaulnier
15 x 10,5 cm 
Publisher: Fuzi
Edition of 200 copies

Stesi, who discovered graffiti in the late 90s in the Paris suburbs under the aegis of his older brother, himself a member of the famous New York group 156, is today a multi-faceted artist, author of books like Cinestesi. Above all, he remains connected to the graffiti tool: the spray can and its countless possibilities.

He plays as much with his technical skills as with the public's perception of the practice. Juggling between calligraphy, vandal fat caps traced in the street before everyone's eyes - which he stages as performances on social networks - and more organic paintings, covering entire trucks as well as canvases.