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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

Claude Degoutte - Street dogs: Chiens des rues

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270 pages
Edited by Claude Degoutte
Photographs by Claude Degoutte
16 x 16 cm 
Language: French
Publisher: Omniscience

This anthology book takes you on a poetic urban stroll to discover sfreet dogs. Graffiti artists and street artists are obviously in collusion with dogs: stray dogs sometimes encountered on a street corner or in a squat, but above all faithful companions who follow them everywhere on their artistic jaunts. Many species of canine are drawn, bombed and pasted on city walls, in all shapes, colors and breeds...

Nearly 300 works are gathered together in this book, produced by no fewer than 200 artists around the world who bear witness to the special relationship they have with dogs.