Gran Reserva Vol. 2 Vino TSK 2021-2009
400 pages
Edited by Vino TSK
Text(s) by Pietro Rivasi, Darino Novotny, Pietro Rivasi, Week FK, Ayer ROYALS, Ale VLOK, Mukie GRLS, Opak SDK, Shark TUF, Rage DSF, Moma FYL, Rukus OHB, Mser MW, Whel FAME, Esik, Keyo KGS, Allre FLIPAS, Black ADS, Toe, Afiler WCA-PW, Mueh MW, Stile VLOK, Finok VLOK, Runis REIS, Os gemeos VLOK, Dey MW, Res MOD, Porno 031, Rud WCA-SABO-FY-DH, Exit, Atsok REIS, Egs CDC, Yokos TSK, Rallie TSK, Rioga PLAYERS, Robins ROYALS, Rocky TSK-HAWAII, Flus TSK, Aryz MM.
Photograph(s) by Vino TSK, Alonso Alcade, Estasky and Sr. Mirando
21 x 30 cm
Language: English
Publısher: Self-published
Year 2022
Gran Reserva Vol. 2 is part of a life project. It’s the story of a graffiti writer who started his career at early 90’s with no idea how long it would last, with no specific goals, just for fun and as a way to escape from his daily problems. We will be able to understand how all these events forge the character of a teenager until 30 years later, becoming the person he is now.
Experiences, adventures and misadventures accompany every graffiti writer, and who better than his friends to tell those anecdotes and participate in this story.
Perhaps it is difficult to understand the reason of presenting it that way. Introducing Gran Reserva Vol. 2 first will help to understand the current character, slowly travelling back in time to discover the origins and how those relationships have been forged over time.
An unusual retrospective in which the beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. The project will be completed in 2023 with the presentation of Gran Reserva Vol.1.