IRL & URL / 099 Collection #2
68 pages
Text(s) by Alessandro Ioalè
21 x 14.5 cm
Language: English
Publisher: Self-published
Edition of 99 hand-numbered copies
Featured artists: Brad Downey (US) – Elfo (IT) – Guildor (IT) – Rolenzo (IT)
IRL & URL shows how the use of digital media, intended as tools for criticism or as subjects of criticism itself, can determine aesthetic-conceptual implications in the concretization of an original relationship between real and digital space.
IRL & URL contains 13 projects developed through digital platforms, Apps and web programs that create a dialogue between the virtual and the real world. Society today lives and moves within these two worlds which can no longer be considered separately.
For this reason the artist uses these digital tools not only as classic containers or archives but, above all, as new vehicles capable of transmitting messages in the URL world.
IRL & URL is the second publication for 099 Collection, a series of self-publishing books printed in only 99 copies. Each edition is different from the other ones for themes, topics and contents.