Nibor Reiluos - Ten Years Later
216 pages
Text(s) by Nibor Reiluos
29.7 x 19 cm
Language: English, French
Publisher: Wasted Talent
Nibor Reiluos goes to live in NYC for a year in 2005. As a photographer who is passionate about graffiti he sets out to survey the streets of Manhattan in their entirety. He comes back to Paris in 2006 with more than 800 different doors that he has indexed. Ten years later in 2015 he decides to return to 200 addresses selected to be shot again. He will end up keeping 99 of them to make up this book.
For the first time a book which is centred on tags documents their development over time and in the same place. 10 years later we realise that 100% of the contributors are different but that also the styles have evolved.
On this short scale these photos reveal to us that the city has altered, it has changed, everything is cleaner, smoother, gentrified.
This book of photographs will delight the amateurs of pure graffiti, architecture or urbanism. It even makes it possible for the reader who is passing through NYC to visualise, if he desires, his own updated version thanks to the addresses featured on the inside of these pages.