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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

Pro 176 - Cosmometry

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256 pages
Text(s) by Mode 2
29.7 x 21 cm
Language: French, English
Publisher: Wasted Talent

Prefaced by Mode2, Cosmonometry is the first monograph dedicated to the artist Pro 176, an active member of the CP5, GT, UB and RTZ crews, to name a few. The book motions from his beginnings in the 90’s to nowadays, exploring the universe of this artist rooted in Graffiti culture. Throughout the pages, his cosmic murals, his sketches and canvases show Pro176’s evolution towards what is now commonly called “Galactik Style”.

Cosmonometry is his relentless research in letter geometry. Trough over 400 visuals and essays on his arts, the artist gives us the full generosity of his art. The reflections of prestigious contributors such as Skeme, Oeno, Cope2 or Jay1, amongst others, emphasize his own words. Diksa: “Pro176 doesn’t follow the Hype, rather staying away from it. He is more interested in creating his own dimension, where heroes, super villains, creatures, wizards and witches mingle together.” Or furthermore, David Pluskwa: “Today, his deconstructions, dislocations and surprising acrylic transformations place him in the lineage of Roy Lichtenstein or Gudmundur Erró. To this day, he is one of his most renowned successors. All texts are in French and English.