Taku Obata - NBHD
€15.00| /48 pagesPhotograph(s) by Lukas Huber 21 x 14.5 cmLanguage: EnglishSoftcoverPublisher: StickitEdition of 500 copies2023 A double sized zine by Japan...
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The Culture: Hip Hop Contemporary Art in the 21st Century
€55.00| /308 pagesForeword and introduction by Asma NaeemIntroduction by Gamynne Guillotte, Hannah Klemm, Andréa Purnell29.2 x 23.5 cmLanguage: EnglishHardb...
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Sébastien Le Gall - Visages Lettrés : 40 ans de rap francophone en 500 portraits
€50.00| /428 pagesEdited by Sébastien Le GallText(s) by Ismaël MereghettiForeword by Raphaël Da Cruz32 x 24 cm Language: FrenchHardbackPublisher: Self-publi...
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Pierre-Jean Cléraux - New York State of Mind, une anthologie du rap new-yorkais
€21.00| /272 pagesText(s) by Pierre-Jean Cléraux21 x 15 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcover Publisher: Le Mot et le Reste2017 De la fièvre des premières block pa...
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Sylvain Bertot - Ladies First. Une Anthologie du Rap au Féminin
€21.00| /288 pagesText(s) by Sylvain Bertot21 x 14.8 cm Language: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Le Mot et le Reste2019 Constitué en majorité d'acteurs masculins...
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Mark 563 - Hip Hop Coloring Book West Coast Edition
€8.90| /64 pagesIllustrations by Mark 563 25 x 20 cmSoftcoverPublisher: Dokument Press2021 The sun rises in the East but it sets in the West! After the ov...
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Yérim Sar - Les routes du rap. Une cartographie du son (SIGNED)
€25.95| /194 pagesText(s) by Yérim SarIllustrated by Florian Schneider25 x 19.4 cm Language: FrenchHardback Publisher: Michel Lafon 2023 Embarquez sur les r...
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Naomi Clément - Femmes de rap. Leur parcours, leur parole et ce qu'elles m'ont transmis
€24.95| /144 pagesText(s) by Naomi ClémentIllustrated by Thomas Rebecca Designed by BLACKHAT24 x 17 cmLanguage: FrenchPaperbackPublisher: Leduc Pop Culture ...
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The Book of Rhyme & Reason: Hip-Hop 1994–1997
€58.00| /240 pagesForeword by Ice-TText(s) by Soren BakerPhotograph(s) by Peter Spirer28.8 x 24.1 cmLanguage: EnglishHardbackPublisher: Reel Art Press2023 T...
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Sylvain Bertot - Mixtapes, un format musical au coeur du rap
€21.00| /288 pagesText(s) by Sylvain Bertot21 x 15 x 2 cmLanguage: FrenchHardcoverPublisher: Le Mot et le Reste 2017 Pour bien connaître l’histoire du rap...
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Bettina Ghio - Sans fautes de frappe
€21.00| /288 pagesText(s) by Bettina Ghio21 x 14.5 x 1.7 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Le Mot Et Le Reste2016 Ancré dans le champ musical depuis plu...
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NTM - That's my people
€29.90| /240 pagesText(s) by Joey Starr & Gaëlle Ghesquière29.4 x 22.9 cmLanguage: FrenchHardcoverPublisher: Editions de La Martinière2019 NTM est une...
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Lodown Magazine - Guestlist Issue
€12.00| /128 pages26.4 x 20.5 cmLanguage: EnglishSoftcover2022 Regardless if you’re doing it for the purpose of relaxation or for releasing a lot of stress,...
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Vincent Piolet - Regarde ta jeunesse dans les yeux
€24.00| /368 pagesText(s) by Vincent Piolet21 x 14.8 cm Language: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Le Mot et le Reste2017 Qui connaît l’histoire du premier franç...
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Breakers Magazine #2
€20.00| /116 pages28 x 21 cmLanguage: French, EnglishSoftcoverWinter 2022 On the program for this second edition: Check out luXe , aka Bboy Nasty Yass,...
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Booba - Le bitume avec une plume. Un puzzle de mots et de pensées
€22.00| /384 pagesText(s) by Booba20 x 14 cmLanguage: FrenchPaperbackPublisher: Hoëbeke 2022 "Au XVIIIe siècle, à la cour ou dans les salons, la punchline s...
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Heat by Lodownmagazine
€12.00| /112 pages26.4 x 20.5 cmLanguage: EnglishSoftcover2023 summer, man. The air smells like chlorine and sun lotion, the sidewalks are decorated with br...
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Mixtape 2.0 : 30 ans de culture hip-hop
€29.00| /224 pagesText(s) by Cut Killer and Julien CivangeForeword by DJ Snake20.6 x 15.5 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Robert Laffont2022 DJ star d...
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Swindle #1
€25.00| /164 pagesEdited by Shepard Fairey and Roger Gastman28 x 23 cmLanguage: EnglishHardback2004 Swindle is a bi-monthly arts and culture publication fou...
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Jeff Chang - Can't Stop Won't Stop
€25.00| /546 pagesText(s) by Jeff Chang 21.1 x 13.8 cmLanguage: EnglishSoftcover Publisher: Éditions Allia2015 Can’t Stop Won’t Stop est une puissante h...
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Randall Sullivan - L.A.Byrinthe: Enquête sur les meurtres de Tupac Shakur, Notorious Big et sur la police de Los Angeles
€11.00| /448 pagesText(s) by Randall Sullivan17.1 x 11.1 cmLanguage: FrenchPaperbackPublisher: Rivages Rouges2014 Los Angeles 1997. L’inspecteur de la LAPD ...
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€29.00| /64 pagesText(s) by Michael SorrisoArtworks by WocPhotographs by Davide D'AmbraDesigned by comfyyyboyyy17.7 x 11.7 cmLanguage: Italian, English Scre...
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Zulú. La Historia de las Habillas Zulú en España
€42.00| /178 pagesText(s) by Salva García, Rafael Franco and David SilleroDesigned by Rafael Franco19.5 x 26.5 cm Language: Spanish HardbackPublisher: Reuni...
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Fifou - Lost Films
€28.00| /128 pagesPhotograph(s) by Fifou23.8 x 23.9 cmLanguage: FrenchHardbackPublisher: En Pire Édition2024 Planches contact, photos inédites, floues, brûl...
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33 Carats #8
€20.00| /106 pages29.7 x 21 cmLanguage: French, EnglishPaperback2024 33 Carats is a bilingual (FR/EN) magazine that explores every facet of Hip Hop hop thro...
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6 Million Ways to Dig
€35.00| /320 pagesEdited by Da Cockroach, Life Boom Bap and Death Editions27 x 20 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Da CockroachEdition of 200 copies202...
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The Streets Win. 50 Years of Hip-Hop Greatness
€60.00| /336 pagesText(s) by LL Cool J, Vikki Tobak and Alec Banks32.8 x 24.4 cm Language: EnglishHardback Publisher: Rizzoli2023 Co-authored by Hip-Hop leg...
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Abcdr du son - 1990-1999: Une décennie de rap français
€39.95| /256 pages34.5 x 25 cmLanguage: FrenchHardbackPublisher: Marabout2023 L’Abcdr du Son continue de cultiver son obsession rap. Après le bel ouvrage so...
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Guilhem "Pone" Gallart - Un peu plus loin
€20.90| /368 pagesText(s) by Guilhem "Pone" Gallart22.6 x 14.1 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: JC Lattès2023 « J’ai fait un rêve. J’étais guéri et on ...
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Lodown - Gems Issue
€12.00| /128 pages26.4 x 20.5 cmLanguage: EnglishSoftcoverMay - June 2023 ...to find a diamond in the rough, you need to dig a little deeper. These hidden g...
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Hip Hop, du Bronx aux rues arabes
€20.00| /120 pagesEdited by Elodie BouffardForeword by Jack LangText(s) by Olivier Cachin, Bernard Zekri, Karim Hammou, Reda Zine, Christian Bethune, Christ...
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Kamal Haussmann - Time Bomb
€22.50| /448 pagesText(s) by Kamal Haussmann20.6 x 14 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Albin Michel2019 Dans une seule et même ville, deux individus pe...
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Sylvain Bertot - Rap Indépendant
€26.00| /472 pagesText(s) by Sylvain Bertot15 x 21 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcover Publisher: Le mot et le reste 2014 Alors que le hip-hop vit un âge d’or da...
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Mosaïque Magazine #8
€20.00| /120 pages27 x 21 cmLanguage: FrenchPaperback2024 Un magazine de Zamdane sous le sapin ? Pour Noël, Mosaïque a concocté la première double couvertur...
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Karim Madani - Hip Hop connexion
€16.00| /184 pagesText(s) by Karim Madani21.5 x 13.5 cmLanguage: FrenchPaperbackPublisher: Éditions Sarbacane2020 Un océan les sépare, le hip-hop les réunit...
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Karim Hammou - Une histoire du rap en France
€11.00| /312 pagesText(s) by Karim Hammou19.1 x 12.6 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: La Découverte2014 Lorsque rap et hip-hop apparaissent en France a...
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Audimat #21
€12.00| /148 pages17.5 x 11 cm Language: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Audimat ÉditionsApril 2023 Audimat est une revue de critique musicale éditée par le festi...
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Giants: Art from the Dean Collection of Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys
€59.95| /256 pagesEdited by Kimberly GantForeword by Anne Pasternak32.5 x 25 cm Language: EnglishHardbackPublisher: Phaidon2024 Giants: Art from the Dean Co...
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Michael Eric Dyson - Know What I Mean ? Réflexions sur le hip-hop
€15.00| /168 pagesText(s) by Michael Eric DysonForeword by Jay-ZAfterword by Was21 x 14 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Éditions bpmEdition2022 « C’es...
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Dan Hancox - Inner City Pressure: The Story of Grime
€19.00| /352 pagesText(s) by Dan Hancox19.7 x 13 cmLanguage : EnglishPublisher : William CollinsPaperback2019 Grime has become a British institution. But it...
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Lodown Magazine - Vehiculum #5
€12.00| /136 pagesEdited by Lodown Magazine27.7 x 21.4 cmLanguage: EnglishSoftcoverPublisher: Lodown Magazine The vehicle and its manifestation as an automo...
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Lodown Magazine - Vehicular #6
€12.00| /144 pages27 x 21 cmLanguage: EnglishPaperbackPublisher: Lodown Magazine2023 One could argue that personality is everything, especially when it come...
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David Delaplace - Les Off (SIGNED)
€49.00| /312 pagesPhotograph(s) by David Delaplace29.5 x 24.5 cm Language: FrenchHardbackPublisher: Ramsay2023 Les Off est le deuxième livre de David Delapl...
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Olivier Cachin - Rap In France l'émergence du rap dans les années 90
€20.00| /196 pagesText(s) by Olivier Cachin and Foreword by Orelsan23 x 15 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Le Castor Astral2022 Rap in France d'Olivie...
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Vincent Brunner - De la Soul aussi mort que vivant
€14.00| /226 pagesText(s) by Vincent Brunner18.1 x 12.1 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Castor Astral2021 Janvier 1989. Avec sa pochette rose et ses f...
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IAM - Entre la pierre et la plume
€8.00| /320 pagesText(s) by Akhenaton, Shurik'n, Kheops, Imhotep and Kephren, with Baptiste Bouthier17.8 x 11 cm Language: FrenchHardback or SoftcoverPubli...
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Karim Madani - Queen's Gangsta
€21.00| /250 pagesText(s) by Karim Madani20.5 x 14 cmLanguage: FrenchPaperbackPublisher: Editions Payot et Rivages2022 Au début des années 80, dans le Quee...
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Benjamine Weill - A qui profite le sale ? Sexisme, racisme et capitalisme dans le rap français
€19.00| /240 pagesText(s) by Benjamine Weill22.5 x 14 cmLanguage: FrenchSoftcoverPublisher: Éditions Payot et Rivages2023 Parce que le rap le vaut bien....
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