ANT!FOTO Magazine #7
36 pages
Edited by Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
31 x 23 cm
Language : English
Published by : Böhm Kobayashi
May 2024
ANT!FOTO is a project started in 2010 and curated by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber. It emerged from the motivation to show the various facets of the medium of photography and understand itself as a place of exchange and discourse on the various "aggregate states" of photography, with a focus on the photo book, as a meeting place for various photography actors – along the lines of small Japanese theme bars.
ANT!FOTO #7 includes interviews with Damarice Amao, Hannah Darabi & Benoit Grimbert, Paul Grund, Myr Muratet, Natacha Nisic, Pascale Obolo, Christian Omodeo, DJ Sundae and a text by Mark Feustel.