Jonk - Naturalia II (SIGNED)
240 pages
Text(s) by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Photos by Jonk
21.6 x 30.2 cm
Language: French, English
Publisher: Jonk Editions
In March 2018, Naturalia was published. I was honoured to have a preface written by Alain Schnapp – historian and archaeologist, author of a number of books on the theme of ruins, and former director of the Institut National de l’Histoire de l’Art.
Shortly after, in June 2018, I gave up a career in finance to devote myself exclusively to this project. Through Naturalia, and my modest means as a photographer, I try to play my part in the ecological challenge facing Man, by making each and every one of us more aware.
Today, three years after the publication of the first volume, I wanted to make a follow-on. This time, it is Yann Arthus-Bertrand who has done me the honour of writing the preface.
The last three years have been very important in terms of ecology. On the one hand, the situation has deteriorated even further with yet another species becoming extinct every single day. Global warming continues and has caused repeated natural catastrophes: floods, fires, droughts, etc. On the other hand, our collective awareness has widely increased. We are still a long way from the commitment needed to really change things, but we are heading in the right direction. Millions of initiatives have already emerged and I hope that my photos and the message contained within them can play a small part in the collective challenge facing us all.
This second volume compiles the developments of my photographs of abandoned places reclaimed by nature. I add that I have taken into account the two remarks that I have heard the most about the first. Naturalia II is therefore in French and English and all the photos are captioned.
The book shows 221 pictures shot in 17 countries. Castles, factories, churches, schools, amusement parks and other structures, abandoned by Man and taken over by Nature, make up this second opus. The book complements the Naturalia series and continues the research initiated on the relationship between Man and Nature. Through these images, I once again show the strength of Nature and invite reflection on the place we occupy on Earth, and on the urgency of finally showing ourselves to be humble.