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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

The Age of Combustion: Notes on Automobile Design


228 pages
Edited by Stephen Bayley
Designed by Jean-Michel Dentand
21 x 16 cm
Language: English
Publisher: Circa Press

The auto­mo­bile is the ulti­mate ana­logue machine and mankind’s most inge­nious, seduc­tive and dam­ag­ing inven­tion. For over a cen­tu­ry, cars have pro­vid­ed ref­er­ence points for our notions of style, sta­tus and desire. In design terms, the Age of Com­bus­tion was as rich and var­ied as architecture’s Baroque – and far more pop­u­lar. And now it is com­ing to an end, as the inter­nal com­bus­tion engine is super­seded by the bat­tery and cars become wheeled com­put­ers, run­ning on AI not oil. Togeth­er with a wide-rang­ing intro­duc­tion, this book repro­duces 60 of Stephen Bayley’s pop­u­lar month­ly columns for Octane, the out­stand­ing clas­sic car mag­a­zine where, for more than ten years, he has pro­vid­ed the most con­sis­tent and insight­ful com­men­tary on car cul­ture, often based on priv­i­leged access to indus­try insid­ers. The Age of Com­bus­tion is a thren­ody for the automobile.