Alessandro Riva - Street Art Sweet Art
184 pages
Edited by Alessandro RIva
24 x 16.5 cm
Language: Italian
Publisher: Skira
Street Art Sweet Art brings together over thirty of the most talented exponents of Italian street art.
These artists show the other face of the future: art that feeds off a pervasive aesthetic with roots in historical writing and the aesthetics of spray paint. But it is also seeking new ideas and forms of mass communication, the techniques of “guerrilla marketing” as the most recent languages and techniques, ranging from stickers to stencils and the many forms of “urban disorder” that can be found everywhere in today’s cities.
Some of these artists are from the very first generations of Italian writers, such as Atomo, Airone, KyOne and Rendo, and continue through Dado, Joys, Wany, Phobia and Marco Teatro; others are part of a new wave of street artists: Pao (the artist of “panettoni-pinguino”), Pus, Sonda, Bros, Nais, Ivan the “street poet”, Blu, Microbo, Bo 130 and Tv Boy, to mention but a few. Still others, such as Ozmo and Abbominevole, are artists who have taken their place fully within the “official” art system, though they continue to work actively on the streets.
Conceived as the catalogue for an exhibition being held at the PAC (Pavilion of Contemporary Art) in Milan.