Boris Hoppek Y Sancho Panza
192 pages
18.5 x 12.5 cm
Language: English
Publisher: Gestalten
Boris Hoppek is known as the creator of the Bimbo Dolls series, expressive cloth figures which were featured in Bersee 1 and Pictoplasma 2. Now we are presenting a much larger spectrum of Hoppek's multi-disciplinary urban art in this smaller but comprehensive monograph. In addition to humorous new photo installations starring his Bimbos, the book includes a broad selection of Hoppek's fanciful portraits in chalk and spray paint that can be seen in the streets of cities from Barcelona to Berlin. These are supplemented by images of his work on cardboard boxes as well as numerous illustrations and sketches. Rather than approach his art theoretically, Hoppek simply does what he likes to do. This method gives all of his work an aura of childlike authenticity. The combination of amusing motifs and an attractive, handy format make this book an ideal gift.