Boulevard - On Trespassing and Culture #2
120 pages
Edited by Robert Kaltenhäuser and Harald Hinz
46.5 x 31.5 cm
Language: English
Newspaper in cardboard box
Publisher: Boulevard
Boulevard – On Trespassing and Culture: No.2 INSTITUTION is the long awaited (and delayed) follow-up to Boulevard: No.1 CLASSICS. Edited by Robert Kaltenhäuser and Harald Hinz (who are also responsible for the Zugriff magazine), and published by rcrdng/Thomas Lauterberg, comes in a three-piece newspaper format, protected by a cardboard box.
Boulevard's three parts are traditionally dedicated to the following fields:
The TALK chapter features announcements, reviews and recommendations of books, exhibitions, artworks, dealers, events and this time even two special websites. In addition to that there are original interviews around the issue's motto, this time INSTITUTION, or institutionalization. We meet curators and theorists whose approaches and projects stand out for one reason or another. Although this issue's TALK-section exclusively features topics, products and subjects admired or at least respected by the editorial team, the texts are often delivered with Kaltenhäuser's infamous trademark tongue-in-cheek forced discourse micro-aggressive intertextual indulgence. A USP in itself.
REPRINT again, reprints important texts which have been published for example only in Greek, German or Dutch, are hard to get, out of print or just plainly overlooked. Needless to say, the non-lingua franca texts are translated by the team in collaboration with the original authors, and at times slightly revised. Art historian Harald Hinz painstakingly documents the original sources in an info section that comes with each text and of Boulevard – On Trespassing and Culture invites the original authors to contribute some context and hindsight as an extra. The REPRINTs are illustrated with artworks from the original articles or, where lacking, new ones in an open dialogue with them.
In the third and final section, CASES, Boulevard unfolds four photo galleries dedicated to selected artists relevant to the culture as well as to the motto of the issue. Issue No.2 INSTITUTION shows artists and their works who deal with the contradiction of free unauthorized art and culture and institutional concept in original ways. A newly introduced extra are short texts by the artists or sources close to them which provide background information and context about the artworks shown in CASES.