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Discret art in the streets. Vlady, an Italian street artist in Sweden


128 pages
Edited by Vlady
Text(s) by Christian Omodeo and Vlady
24 x 17 cm
Language: English, Swedish
Publisher: Slew-published

Behind the mononym Vlady (aka VladyArt), there is a prolific Italian visual artist who has lived in Stockholm since 2016. Vlady acts silently and keps a low profile, leaving almost no traces except on the Internet. Although he is not an anonymous figure, not much is known or confirmed about his very identity. That said, this book is the first open confession about his background and his current situation, evaluated between the years 2020 and 2021, right during the Covid forced interruption. 

Vlady is part of that generation of multidisciplinary artists who, with the new millennium, have dedicated themselves mainly to unsanctioned art. This type of affiliation (or disaffiliation, in fact) could place Vlady under the umbrella of "street art", however, this labelling is not too exhaustive in describing neither Vlady nor what happens in the open space around us. This book is a tool to understand the person, the practice and the vision of the artist, but also the underground of this artistic moment.

Vlady's first book, titled in English Discreet art in the streets - An Italian street artist in Sweden, mainly focuses on his last "Swedish" years, through the chapters:
City Design, The New Nature, Modern Times, Quotations, Gameplay.
Beyond these four chapters and an intimate introduction on the artist's background, the book includes a preface by Christian Omodeo from Le Grand Jeu, a multi-interview and a chapter "How do I do it" with 10 useful tips and basic notions about the practice.