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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

Graffiti Interdisziplinäre und kontemporäre Perspektiven

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255 pages
Edited by Friederike Häuser
23 x 15 cm 
Language: German, English
Publisher: Beltz Juventa

In the last decades there have been many publications on the subject of graffiti, but the majority of these publications do not claim to be scientific, but rather aesthetic. Editor Friederike Häuser tries to change this in her anthology Graffiti – Interdisziplinäre und kontemporäre Perspektiven (Interdisciplinary and Contemporary Perspectives).

On 255 pages, the 14 international authors like Larissa Kikol, Jacob Kimvall or Robert Kaltenhäuser take a closer look at a wide variety of topics in graffiti.

For example, Lene ter Haar, who asks the question: Graffiti in art collections, does that have to be? Ulrich Blanché, shows how early hip-hop culture in European countries mixed with punk culture and Friederike Häusers essay focuses on commissioned graffiti and how this is also used as a tool in the fight against graffiti.

In the book Graffiti – Interdisziplinäre und kontemporäre Perspektiven are many exciting approaches that enable the reader to look deeper and more complex into the title topic. Many texts are also illustrated with photos.