Guido Gazzilli - Home is Home (All Alone) (SIGNED)
184 pages
Text(s) by Stefano Ciavatta, Guido Gazzilli and Gabriele Tinti
Photograph(s) by Guido Gazzilli
Designed by Fiorenza Pinna
24.6 x 16.5 cm
Language: English
Publisher: Kehrer Verlag
Join us at Le Grand Jeu bookshop on November 11, 2023, from 6 to 8 pm, for the launch of Guido Gazzilli's book Home is Home (All Alone).
"Home is Home (All Alone) is a diary of images and a long-term research. Stories of places and people in different worlds, in a society in which I explore relationships, private moments, loneliness, abuse, love, nightlife, music and artists’ lives. I endlessly investigate the relationship between certain people and the space they live in. (…) In my encounters and desperate search for a home, I have collected storms, tempests, dreams and light winds, and sometimes very cold ones. This collection of images speaks of the search for a definition of identity, and of the inevitability of becoming aware that as human beings we are deeply interconnected but fundamentally alone." -Guido Gazzilli