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Jacques Denis - Intifada rap

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Original price €39.00
Current price €29.00

250 pages
Text(s) by Jacques Denis
Photos by Pierre Mérimée
32 x 22 cm
Language: French, English
Publisher: LO/A Edition

Through testimonies and photos gathered on their journey in November 2006, Pierre Mérimée and Jacques Denis draw the portrait of a post-Intifada generation, a generation raised after the Palestinian uprisings that shook the region in 1987 and 2000. We join them as they follow DAM, the rap group the journalists initially met in London and who sparked their desire to learn more. Tracing the movement, we meet MWR’s Mahmoud Shalabi, the girls of Arapyot, and the “veterans” on the scene, including Said Mourad, the voice of the first Intifada. Palestinians, Israelis, Arab-Israelis, undocumented Jordanians... each embody the incongruous, complex reality of a territory where identities are fractured. Intifada Rap is a clear image of a generation still fighting for peace and change, far from a call to arms.