Jungle Urbaine - Sao Paulo
60 pages
40 x 12 cm
Language: French
Hardback or Softcover
Publisher: Editions Infinies
Edition of 71 handmade copies
Jungle Urbaine - Sao Paulo is the result of our explorations in the Brazilian writings universe... somewhere between the first book published with the same name in 2017 and La forêt de signes published last year.
Sao Paulo is a 20 millions habitants megalopole. Since 3 decades, it's the witness of a wild writing style that is still today locked to the globalisation of graffiti. The graphic style, based on runic letters inspired by heavy metal and hard-rock grafics, takes place at the scale of the city, that's to say gigantic... The writers, called "pixadores" climb without strings on the buildings in order to write their names, groups and neighbourhood on the heights of the city.
Through this new riso-printed and atypic size book, we go on developing our vision about this writing system as a jungle that would come back to invade the concrete. As the cover and the fragmented contain, the Pixaçao of Sao Paulo explose the physical and visual limits of the urban landscape, creating by the way a total dystopic atmosphere in the biggest city of South America.