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FREE SHIPPING in France from €110. Europe from €160.

Olivia Hespel-Obregon - Amours chiens


96 pages
Photograph(s) by Olivia Hespel-Obregon
25 x 19 cm
Language: English
Softcover, coming with a 12 stickers sheet
Publisher: Obed Books
Edition of 200 copies

The dog is a friend, child, son, daughter, bitchy.
He is faithful, darling, doggo. He is intelligent,
He understands. He deserves it, he is worth it.
He is wise, trained, well brought up. Protector, proud,
fierce, valiant. He is a hound and reassuring.
He is everything. He is passion. He is love.

Le chien est ami, enfant, fils, fifille, pupute.
Il est fidèle, chouchou, clebard. Il est intelligent,
il comprend. Il le mérite, il en vaut la peine.
Il est sage, dressé, bien élevé. Protecteur, fier,
féroce, vaillant. Il est molosse et rassurant.
Il est tout, toutou. Il est passion. Il est amour.