Overground 2: 8 Scandinavian Graffiti Masters
176 pages
Text(s) by Tobias Barenthin Lindblad and Malcolm Jacobson
27.9 x 22.8 cm
Language: English, Swedish
Publisher: Dokument Press
OVERGROUND 2 – 8 Scandinavian Graffiti Masters is a classic art anthology. Each artist is presented through in-depth interviews and lavish illustrations. They talk about their driving force, the aesthetic of graffiti, their love of the city and why it is so important to paint where you want.
They are all powerful representatives of the influential Scandinavian style that has garnered followers all over the world and each has created a position as a master of his given field. The eight masters are ADAMS, CAZTER, NUG and SKIL from Stockholm, FINSTA and MARVEL from Scania, SABE from Copehagen and TRAMA from Helsinki.