Owen.Drp #1
Sold out
108 pages
Edited by Guillaume Le Goff
Graphic design by Arthur Teboul
27 x 21 cm
Language: French, English
Owen.Drp : the new culture & lifestyle magazine !
Issue 1 comes as a special edition on occasion of DRP Paris. Art, music, design, photo, fashion, sneakers, articles, portraits, portfolios, interviews, focus...
Summary: 99Ginger / Natas3000 / wwesh studio / Mehdi Maïzi x Pedro Winter / Raegular x Alexander Wise / Alice Gavin / Golgotha / Jwles / Le Juiice / Leo Gavaggio (L’Encrerie) / Gues / Basile Bertrand / Basile Fournier / Gard Diop / Hodei / Tonton Gibs x Bbrowwnsugar / Futures Factory / Cam XV / Pablo Cots / Hotel Radio Paris / Eloi / Jerry Horny…