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Scot Southern - Street Walkers

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208 pages
Photos by Scot Southern 
20.5 x 14 x 2 cm
Language: English
Publisher: PowerHouse Books

In the mid 1980s photographer and writer Scot Sothern embedded himself in the dark inner-city hallows of Los Angeles and took photographs and wrote about what he saw. He shone a light upon the discarded people whose daily existence consisted of glass pipes and slaps across the face, men and women who never had a chance in this world. In 2011, 25 years after beginning the project, this documentation led to his first solo show, Lowlife, at the notorious Drkrm Gallery in Los Angeles. Previously dormant, undiscovered, and rejected by a plethora of editors and curators, this show brought much attention to Sothern and lead to two books: one of photographs called Lowlife and a memoir called Curb Service. Sothern’s work has since become an Internet live wire eliciting either accolades or condemnation from anyone who comes across it.