Tramontana #3
175 pages
26 x 21 cm
Language: English
Publisher: Montana Colors
Tramontana Magazine is a high quality, free, and internationally distributed publication for cultural divulgation.
The scene that revolves around graffiti and street art has not stopped evolving over the last five decades. It has undoubtedly earned its standing on merit and in this issue you have another example to prove it.
Applying the classic journalistic method of the Five Ws (What, Who, When, Where, Why and How), we pose a series of questions, answering with a series of random contents that offer a balanced view of the point where we find ourselves right now.
Experts and pioneers in the field of documentation, creators with new concepts that have made them stand out in the field of mural interventions or exhibition spaces, promoters and disseminators of this culture carrying out international projects of the highest level, prolific and consistent underground writers and fascinating scenes whose participants, like the one that appears on the front cover, deploy a solid and passionate discourse.
Featured in this copy of Tramontana issue 3:
- Martha, a Picture Story by Selina Miles
- Beyond the Streets, an interview with Roger Gastman
- A Child’s Promise by Shiat
- Ellas. Portrait of a generation of female graffiti writers by Jeosm
- A Friendship Celebration with San and Spok Brillor
- Astro ODV CBS
- Maxime Drouet
- Los Keos
- Gleo
- Escif (artist cover)
- Ichabod
- Steam 156 collection
- Buenos Aires Salvaje (Wild Buenos Aires), a brief introduction to ‘porteño’ graffiti
- The 1912 Tunnel (Buenos Aires)
- Gordopelota
- Corbeta Halcón mission in Madrid
- Amsterdam On Tour Book; 70s & 80s, Punks and City Kids
- Craig Castelman
- SpY