VNA - Very Nearly Almost #13
98 pages
Edited by George Macdonald
Language: English
Issue 13
Very Nearly Almost is a UK-based independent magazine printed quarterly which features interviews with some of the world’s best urban artists, illustrators and photographers. Launched in 2006, VNA tracks everything from the wheatpastes, paint and stencils out there on the streets through to gallery shows and events that bring together artists from around the world.
Issue thirteen was launched on 15 October 2010 as a part of the Moniker Art Fair. The limited special edition's cover is screen-printed by Ben Eine and the magazine featured interviews with Elbow-Toe, Espo, Miso, Tilt and What.
Contents : Farm, Miso, Espo, Dan Witz, Eine, What Collective, Elbow-Toe, Tilt, Tian, Streets, Meeting of Styles, The Goods, Dave the Chimp